The Hilton Riverside Ball Rooms were sold out March 30, 2017. The room was filled with Realtors over 600 of them, highly anticipating gaining continuing education credits from 2 of the best speakers in the Real Estate Speaking circuit. Mirambell Realty's Broker/Owner, Craig Mirambell helped host the event and announced the dynamic speakers. Losing his voice the evening before at an alumni cookoff, Craig took the stage and quickly handed it over to the experts, Leigh Brown of and Nobu Hata from the National Association of Realtors.
Both speakers kept the crowd entertained and surely impacted their thoughts (and hopefully actions) on how to be a better Realtor. Surely, this was the best Realtor Appreciation Day put on by The New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors (NOMAR). With national vendors ranging from Zillow to Corelogic in town and the always supportive local vendors, it was an all around informative day for local Realtors.