Mirambell Realty was proud to announce the winners of the End of Year Sales Contest as well as the Annual Year End Awards.  The team of Realtors gathered for a private party at The Bulldog in Mid City New Orleans.  Plenty of trophies prizes and even a beach trip were awarded to the hard working agents.


Mirambell Realty completed it's 9th consecutive year of sales growth. M Bell is a independent brokerage focused on a high energy, tech lovers, and motivated it's agents. The M Bell agents shape the successful, fun, and innovative culture of the firm. The high energy and resourcefulness of each agent allows them to market and serve their clients in a unique matter, not seen in New Orleans Real Estate. We are all proud to represent Mirambell Realty.


2016 Winners

Realtor Of the Year: Robyn Bruno (4 in a Row)

Rookie of the Year: Michelle Rousse

Highest Sales Price: Michelle Rousse ($1,200,000.00)

M Bell Connect Leads: Mary Dominach

End of the Year Award Beach Trip: The Ryan-Moliason Team


Previous Winners


Realtor Of the Year: Robyn Bruno (3 in a Row)

Rookie of the Year: Andrea Corne

Highest Sales Price: The Ryan Molaison Team ($.00)



Realtor of the Year: Robyn Bruno (Back to Back)

Rookie of the Year: Kim Reboul



Realtor of the Year: Robyn Bruno